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The British Chambers of Commerce and the accredited Chamber Network run Britain's most influential private business survey. The Quarterly Economic Survey is the largest and most representative independent business survey of its kind in the UK. The QES closely watched by policymakers such as the Treasury, the Bank of England and the Office of Budget Responsibility, and also attracts a significant amount of media attention.

What makes the QES unique?

Sample size – The survey is aggregated from businesses sourced by the Chamber of Commerce network from across the UK. Completed by over 6,000 businesses each quarter, it is one of the UK’s largest and most representative private business surveys.

Multi-sector – Covers both the manufacturing sector (25% of respondents) and services sector (75%). A high proportion of respondents from both sectors are exporters.

Company size – The survey covers businesses of all sizes, with the vast majority of respondents falling in to the SME category of under 250 employees.

Timeliness – Each quarter, the QES is made available before official statistics (such as GDP growth), and so provides an up to the minute picture of business sentiment.

The QES is a clear example of how being part of the Essex Chambers of Commerce means you're part of something bigger.

National Results: Q1 2023

National Results: Q2 2023

National ResultsQ3 2023

Q4 2023

Fieldwork starts: 6 November
Fieldwork ends: 30 November
Publication: 8 January 2024 



  Regional Results: Q1 2022

  National Results: Q1 2022

National Results: Q2 2022 

National Results: Q3 2022

National Results: Q4 2022


We will email you the Surveys on a quarterly basis, complete your details below or contact us to subscribe to the Survey mailing list.

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