Why you need to know about Data Protection and how to protect the personal data you hold on your staff and your customers and why our exit from the EU doesn’t change this:
In May 2018 the United Kingdom completed implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), one of the largest changes to the standards on how Personal Data is managed. Although the GDPR is a piece of European Union (EU) legislation it has now been adopted into UK law via the Data Protection Act 2018 and will continue to be a part of Data Protection in the UK for some time to come.
Personal Data is everywhere and pretty much in everything. While some uses of it can be ‘mundane’ and harmless, without care and attention, it can quickly cause you, your customers, your staff or others serious issues. Each and every business has an interest and need in collecting, using and maintaining good value data on customers and employees. Data Protection, at its core, is a simple set of rules for taking care of that data to you, your customer’s or staff’s benefit.
There are a lot of myths out there about what Data Protection requires and how it restricts what businesses can and cannot do with Personal Data. For example, our exit from the EU does not remove the need to protect personal data or be aware of the GDPR. The Data Protection Act 2018 remains in force, the Information Commissioner’s Office will still have enforcement powers and UK citizens will still have rights over how their data is used. Therefore, our practical range of training courses are designed to cut through these myths that surrounds Data protection and give you relevant, practical and honest advice and tips for taking care of the Personal Data entrusted to you.
Lighthouse LG Ltd are experienced practitioners in how to collect, use and manage information and data, not just personal data. Since 2018 they have been working with the Chamber to deliver our range of training courses on Data Protection.