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Incoterms® are a set of internationally recognised, three letter acronyms, which define the risks and responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade contracts.

It is essential that businesses understand Incoterms® as their use is vital for the successful movement of goods between customers and suppliers around the world. The misuse of these terms can lead to delays, penalties, problems with payment and more. 

This virtual half day workshop will explain each Incoterm® and their importance in international trade contracts.

British Chambers of Commerce Accredited Course: The British Chambers of Commerce has ten nationally accredited international trade courses that give essential skills that are invaluable to small and large businesses alike.
At the end of the course there will be a short assessment paper to complete which results in a BCC Certificate with a Pass or Merit achievement worth 1 credit. Achieve 6 credits to receive the BCC Foundation Award in International Trade. Learn More 

Visit the Trade Expert event page to see current course dates.